Time: 26-30.10.2009, 9.30-12.50:interactive lectures, 13.40-16: practical lab work
Location: Room B101
Course home: http://codes.mome.hu
Processing home: http://www.processing.org
Course book: Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists
Casey Reas and Ben Fry (Foreword by John Maeda).
Published 24 August 2007, MIT Press. 736 pages. Hardcover.
all codes on-line -- educational copy can be ordered from MIT Press
Course sketches (zipped): codes.zip
Other resources:
The Nature of Code course by Daniel Shiffman. His book Learning Processing is an excellent step by step introduction for beginners.
Design Programming course by Rob Saunders. A systematic discussion of topics for a semester course, using the same book we use.
Monday Shapes and color with processing |
- introduction, expectations - why are you here? why am I here?
- made with processing - a panoramic view
- goals and schedule of the workshop
- why to use processing?
- getting started with processing
- shapes and color - ladybird
- more shapes in array - worms and flowers
- random variations
ME0: Start processing, and explore all menu items. Make a sketch with a line connecting two opposite cornes of the the canvas, save it, open it, modify it, re-save it under different name, and export to applet. Try out ways to use the on-line reference.
ME1: Draw 5 vertical lines parallel in the middlepart of the square canvas.
ME2: Make a sketch which can draw n vertical lines in the middle part of the square canvas.
ME3: Make a sketch which can draw nxn lines forming small squares in the middle part of the canvas.
ME4: Experiment with changing color, thickness and/or form of the lines in ME2.
ME5: Make a design with placing squares and/or other shapes on a grid in a square. Experiment with color, scaled multiple copies at a location, ...
MA0: Make your own working environment on the local machine. Make a public portfolio to show applets and share codes.
MA1: Make your own flower(s).
MA2: Design and sketch a living creature: a bug, a worm ....
Make it put together of components, and think ahead how you will want it later to move.
Tuesday Self-similar and noisy structures |
- natural versus artificial
- self-similar structures with recursion
- tree of Pythagoras and other trees
- nothing but noise - organic forms with Perlin noise
TE1: design own self-similar structure(s) using geometric shapes
TE2: make mods of your own sketches ME2, ME4, ME5 with using randomness and noise
TE2: make mods of the trees shown: change structure and/or size and/or visual
TA1: Make variants of some of your flowers with random and/or noise.
TA2: Make a tree with flowers, or add stems and leaves to your single flower.
Wednesday Kinematic motion |
- follow the mouse, look at the mouse
- linear motion: falling rain and walking ladybird
- motion with changing speed
- waves and oscillating motion
- random walks and noisy motions
WE1: Make a mod of ME2, where a line runs back and forth in the middle of the square. Experiment with timing and fading.
WE2: Mod of WE1: make the line ease-in and ease-out.
WE1: Make a pulsing effect by animationg size and/or figure.
WA1: Design an 'idle' motion for your creature.
WA1: Design a styled motion for your creature: how does is approach a piece of food? How does it escape?
WA2: Make your tree move.
WA3: Make your flower move and/or change: e.g. grow, change color, loose leaves.
Thursday Forces and physical simulation |
- ball falling - recap of Newton laws of motion
- ball bouncing
- shooting particles
- gliding - Life Line by Tomek Ducki revisited
- springing
- elastic and soft creatures
- social forces - flocking
HE1: Make mods for the bouncing balls or fireworks
HE2: Experiment with the soda constructor
HA1: Make your bug fly, jump and fall, worm scrawl ....
HA2: Simulate multiple bugs moving around independently, or according to some relational rule
HA3: Make your plant react to forces like wind: bending, loosing petals, ...
HA4: Extend your creature to have an elastic body.
Friday Further topics and wrapup |
- interaction by sound and vision
- 3D
- electronics
- review of sketches
- assesment of the course